Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cutting Myself a Little Slack

The day before yesterday, I was finding it challenging to be making lunch, in the middle of a somewhat busy day.  I thought to myself, this whole idea of homeschooling four children and trying to make lunch, it is a lot at once, I am not sure why I do it.  Then I took a look around and this is what I saw.

A pan of homemade schiacciata

Oven Roasted Potatoes and Peppers

Vegan black bean burgers from scratch.

I am missing a photo of the homemade cookies baking.

And I thought, seriously, cut yourself some slack, this is a pretty fantastic lunch with, in my opinion, four pretty fantastic children.  And I realized why I do this, because though it can be mind numbingly insane and exhausting at times, the special moments that are realized through out my day make up for all of that.  The number one reason I do this, is because I love it.  Being around my children, the freedom to educate outside the box, and cooking up yummy meals, it makes my heart sing.  This is my career.  I chose it and I think that sometimes I rock at it.  And this is one of those days that I was rocking at it!!

1 comment:

  1. You are a rock star as usual...yes, cut yourself some slack. I am absolutely loving following your adventures Mary!

