I am sorry for not posting but it has been a wild few weeks, not to mention I have been having some in depth thoughts about this blog. When I started blogging, it was really about me, so I changed a few names, to protect the innocent, as one would say. But now this blog is morphing more into a blog about my family and our journey, so I felt weird about referring to them by all their 'blog names' as they like to call them. So let us clear up a few things. Sam's real name is Mark, the children's names will just pop up where necessary, thanks for this interruption. Now, on with the blog.
As I say it has been a wild few weeks. We moved out of our house, moved our stuff into another one, then went to Vancouver. Mark had arthroscopic surgery on his ankle. We drove to Calgary for a week and then back to Vancouver, Mark drove back to Victoria to pick up belongings that we would ship and then the next day we flew to Italy. We left Vancouver on Monday at 4:30pm, flew to Toronto and then on to Rome the next day. It was a long few days and needless to say when I arrived at our new apartment, I was not in the best of spirits.
I was wobbly tired and unable to sleep. My sister who is visiting from Australia would be within 20 minutes of our new place, but without a phone or any internet access, we were unable to connect. This made me feel very isolated and lonely. My other sister was also in Italy, having flown over with us, but was in Florence and was also unreachable.
I really wondered what we had been thinking, packing up our life and our belongings and heading off on this journey, it almost seems ridiculous as I write this, clearly we were just jet lagged. And I did realize that at the time, but let me tell you, telling yourself it will get better with some sleep does not necessarily make it better. It really does take a few days, a couple of awesome cappuccinos and some great gelati.
Okay so this will be a small update and I will get more into detail, but I thought I should at least get started and at least show you the view.
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